For God and Country, Grandview, Washington Township, Ward 2 Committeeman

The foundation truths that make America great are the truths that endure unchangeable from generation to generation, the same truths that the members of the Republican Party in pledged Platform stand in solidarity with, to uphold our hope and expectation for a more perfect union.

What greater party is there to rely upon, or turn to, for the greater solutions we need in this hour? On the one hand we have our faith, marriage and family as given by God, with unrelenting freedom, boldness and courage to fight for what is right.

On the other a chaotic, misguided and self serving agenda to secure permissions for things thought unimaginable in previous generations, things that tear away at the tender fabric of our sacred trust and enduring expectation of a more perfect union. For life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in justice for all.

Who better to properly and humbly administrate and govern America, by the oaths of humility in mutual trust to one God who created us all from the moment of conception for a voluntary solicitation of allegiance, and to guarantee to every equal State, a Republican form of government created by the people and for the people of good faith, sincerity and loyalty to God and to one another, than Republicans?

  • donated via 2024-11-19 12:13:49 -0600

  • published Products 2023-11-24 06:37:00 -0600

  • donated 2023-11-18 07:34:55 -0600

    T-Shirt Donations

    Thank you for donating to the work of the Republican Party. We are the strongest we have ever been, but if you have watched the elections in Jackson County at all, you know we are still underwater in the votes. 

    We will reach out to you about mailing it to you or setting up a time that you can come by the GOP Headquarters in Blue Springs to pick it up. 


  • wants to volunteer 2023-03-18 14:46:49 -0500

    Become a Volunteer

    Thank you for stepping up to volunteer for the Jackson County Republican Party.  We will add you to our volunteer database and keep you in the loop with what's happening in the county! 

    If you'd like a list of ideas for volunteering go to this page - Ideas for Volunteering

    Become a volunteer

  • donated 2023-11-15 19:31:09 -0600


    The Jackson County Republican Party is funded by your generous donations. By supporting the party, you are allowing us to hold events, recruit candidates, and spread the word of conservatism and great Republican values as initiated from the foundation of our Nation. 



  • signed up on Sign Up 2023-11-15 19:27:33 -0600

    Stay Informed


    Opting in to receive emails is the best way to receive information directly from the source, and it's the best way to support conservative candidates and issues. 

    Being an informed voter is critical to our republic. Be assured that we try to stay on top of everything and keep you informed of city, county, and state government actions that directly affect our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

    Join our Jacomo Patriots Team. We are organizing to win elections in Jackson County and we need your help! When you join our TEAM, we will get you involved with insider information and volunteer opportunities. 

    For Freedom, Prosperity & Safety -- vote Republican!

    Sign up

Dave Thomas

Dave Thomas

My Wife Kathy and I pray every morning together for our family, City, State and Nation. It is our strong and unshakable foundation in truth, and yours, that holds us together as one people, family and Nation, and makes America Great! Psalm 33:12