Get Involved! - List of Jackson County Republican Clubs
Republican Women of Greater Kansas City - 5th District (RWGKC): meets the Second Saturday of the month at Rae's Cafe-American, Home Made Meals, 2411 Mo 291, Unit J, Independence, MO 64052, social at 11:30 AM, program at 12:00 PM (Noon), contact - Sharlene Bell at 816-724-3223 or email to: belljjb at More info:
Jackson County Republican Club: meets the Third Thursday of the month at the Lakewood Oaks Golf Club, 651 NW St Andrews Circle, Lee’s Summit, MO in the Lakewood subdivision, social at 6:30 PM, program at 7:00 PM, contact - Sharon Stackelhouse at s.stackelhouse at
Greater Kansas City Pachyderm Club: meets every Tuesday at noon at Denny’s, Blue Ridge Cutoff, Kansas City, MO, contact - Michael Smith, 816-682-9499. michael.r.smith92 at
Eastern Jackson County Pachyderm Club: meets the 1st Friday of the month at Sandy’s Restaurant, 1255 SW MO-7, Blue Springs, MO. More info: rwalsh29 at
High Noon Republican Women’s Club: meets the third Monday of every month. Social gathering starts at 11:15 and the meeting begins at 11:30. Lunch may be provided by the Eastern Star for $12, reservations are required. Please contact Leta Porter (816)718-2939
KC Conservatives – meets the 3rd Monday of the month at the Grandview Buffet, Grandview, MO at 6:30 PM, meeting at 7:00 PM, contact - Nola Wood, nola.wood at
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