Jackson County Republican Party
Welcome to the Jackson County Republican Party!
The Jackson County Republican Committee is your local connection to the Missouri Republican Party. We are dedicated to supporting our local Republican-elected representatives, providing constituents with information about what the legislature is doing, and educating the public about local issues that can affect our right to life, liberty, and private property. Feel free to contact us through this website if we can help you.
Local Republican Party Connections
Jackson County Republican Committee
Fourth Monday of the Month
Elks Lodge 100 NE Brizendine Rd, Blue Springs MO 64014
6:00 PM Build-A-Bench
7:00 PM Committee Meeting
Email Jenny Keeling
Eastern Jackson County Pachyderm Club
First Friday of the month
Sandy’s Restaurant, 1255 SW MO-7, Blue Springs, MO
Email Rod Walsh
First Thursday Republican Club
First Thursday of each month
KCPD South Patrol Community Room
9701 Marion Park Dr., KC, MO 64137
Email Nola Wood or 816.820.3413
Greater Kansas City Pachyderm Club
Every Tuesday at 12:00PM
Denny’s, Blue Ridge Cutoff, Kansas City, MO
Email Michael Smith
High Noon Republican Women’s Club
Third Monday of the Month 11:15 AM
Blue Springs, MO $12 Reservations Required
Email Leta Porter [email protected] (816)718-2939
Jackson County Republican Club
Third Thursday of the Month
Lakewood Oaks Golf Club, 651 NW St Andrews Circle, Lee’s Summit, MO
6:30 PM (Social) 7:00 PM (Meeting)
Email Sharon Stackelhouse
Kansas City Missouri Republicans
Third Monday of Month
Grandview Buffet, Grandview, MO,
6:30 PM (Social) 7:00 PM (Meeting)
Email Nola Woo
Republican Women of Greater Kansas City 5th District (RWGKC)
Second Saturday of the Month
Rae's Cafe, 2411 Mo 291, Unit J, Independence, MO 64052
11:30 AM (Social) 12:00 PM (Meeting)
Email Sharlene Bell
We the People of Jackson County Missouri
First Monday of the Month
6:00 PM (Sheepdogs) 7:00 PM (Meeting)
Chuck Quesenberry
Jackson County Lincoln Day Dinner 2018
1400 NE Coronado Dr
Blue Springs, MO 64014
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- Be civil. No personal attacks.
- 1 account per person.
- 1 account per person.
- Be civil. No personal attacks.
- Respect everyone's time. No spam.