Gerald Wistrand

  • wants to volunteer 2018-01-27 00:24:22 -0600

    Become a volunteer

    Thank you for stepping up to volunteer for the Jackson County Republican Party.  We will add you to our volunteer database and keep you in the loop with what's happening in the county! 

    If you'd like a list of ideas for volunteering go to this page - Ideas for Volunteering

    Become a volunteer

  • donated via 2021-04-03 11:10:22 -0500

    Donate -- Help us get Conservative Candidates Elected

    The Jackson County Republican Party is funded by your generous donations. By supporting the party, you are allowing us to hold events, recruit candidates, and spread the word of conservatism and great Republican values as initiated from the foundation of our Nation. 



  • posted about About on Facebook 2017-04-08 15:41:20 -0500
    About your nation

    Jackson County Republican Party

    Welcome to the Jackson County Republican Party.

    Sign up to receive our newsletter and occasional emails about local issues and candidates that matter to you and your family. Click the "Sign up" link at the top of this page.

    Calendar for upcoming Events, please join us when you can!

    The Jackson County Republican Party is your local connection to the Missouri Republican Party. We are dedicated to supporting our local Republican elected representatives, providing constituents with information about what the legislature is doing, and educating the public about local issues that can affect our right to life, liberty and private property. Feel free to contact us through this website if we can help you.

    Jackson County Republican Headquarters:

    1140 W 40 Hwy, Blue Springs, MO 64015 - (816) 875-9690  ---  ---

    Our Jackson County Republican Committee

    Republican Clubs in Jackson County

    Our State Representatives and Senators from Jackson County

    The Missouri Republican Party Platform

    Our 2022-2024 Officers:

    Chairman: Mark Anthony Jones
    Vice-Chairman: Teresa McBride
    Secretary: Carolyn Caton
    Treasurer: Kress Cambers

    If you would like to be a part of our team that is working hard to elect Republican candidates in local, state, and national offices, please volunteer and DONATE to Support our Great Republican Party!

    Thank you for your continued support!


    Mark Anthony Jones
    Chairman, Jackson County Republican Party


    2022 Official Officers photo

    2022-2024 Jackson County Republican Committee Officers - L-R
    Kress Cambers, Treasurer; Carolyn Caton, Secretary; Teresa McBride, Vice-Chair and Mark Anthony Jones, Chairman

Gerald Wistrand

Gerald Wistrand
