Republic Women of Greater Kansas City

Republican Women of Greater Kansas City - 5th District (RWGKC):  meets the Second Saturday of the month at Rae's Cafe-American, Home Made Meals, 2411 Mo 291, Unit J, Independence, MO  64052, social at 11:30 AM, program at 12:00 PM (Noon), contact - Sharlene Bell at 816-724-3223 or email to:  belljjb at  More info:


***The emails are edited so the web crawler engines cannot pick it up and inundate them with junk mail. Please change the "at" to @ and remove the extra spaces and the emails will work. 

November 09, 2024 at 11:30am - 1:30pm
Rae's Cafe
2411 Mo 291
Unit J
Independence, MO 64052
United States
Google map and directions