02/24 @6pm Build a Bench (Elks of Blue Springs)
02/24 @7pm Jackson County Republican Committee Meeting (Elks of Blue Springs)
TBD - St Patrick’s events in KC, Martin City and Brookside
03/24 @ 6pm Build a Bench
03/24 @ 7pm Jackson County Republican Committee Meeting
04/12 Lincoln Reagan Days
05/02 & 03 Harry Days in Grandview
06/06, 07, & 08 Lee's Summit Downtown Days
06/20 Golf Tournament at Winterstone Golf Club Independence - WinterStone Golf Course - Home
06/21 Juneteenth Heritage Festival
08/29 - 09/01 Santa Cali Gon in Independence
09/05 - 06 Grain Valley Festival
09/19, 20, 21 Blue Springs Fall Fun Fest
09/19, 20 & 21 Buckner Festival
10/11 - Red Bridge Block Party
12/2025 TBD Committee Christmas Party – TBD
TBD - Rescheduled Committee Orientation meeting for Committee Members
? Hispanic Festivals/Events